Back to School Bash: The PTA sponsors this outdoor event held outside next to the school. There is a DJ, face painting, activities, etc. Volunteers help with decorating, set up, and more.
Basket Dinner: Our largest fundraiser of the year, with all of the proceeds going to pay for Cultural Arts programming for the students. We need lots of volunteers to go out and get donations from the community for the many baskets we raffle off. We also need volunteers to help make the baskets, sell tickets, help set up the room at the venue and more!
Birthday Books: Allows children in grades K-6 the opportunity to select a book to donate to the Setauket School Library. A sticker is placed inside the book with the child's name. Our librarian selects all of the books. The cost is $15 per child. Volunteers help children select a book and record their choice. The time commitment is one hour per month throughout the school year.
Book Fairies Used Book Drive: Create flyers, put out the boxes for about 10 days surrounding the book fair, and tally boxes, and coordinate with the charity for pick-up.
Chess Club: Our chess program meets before school one day a week for an hour of learning and playing with each other. Open to kids just starting out or with years of experience. Chair will coordinate with the Chessnuts employees on scheduling and sending our registration.
Cultural Arts Committee: Is responsible for contacting vendors and grade level teachers to book exciting and educational performances for each grade level as well as school wide. The chair person collects payments from PTA treasurer and W2 forms from the performers. Building use forms are filled out and cleared with the school secretaries.
Color Run: One mile run filled with color and fun for the whole family.
F.A.S.T. Athletics: Is an after school athletic program for all grades K-6. It is a 6-8 week program run by former coaches and athletes and the programs are for all skill levels where everyone is encouraged as well as motivated to be the best they can be. The focus is on an increase of confidence, aerobic activity, a greater sense of TEAMWORK and SPORTSMANSHIP, but most importantly improvement of overall fitness. The chairperson will distribute flyers to all students, collect registrations, and provide communication to teachers and parents.
Gardening Club: Volunteers will be asked to sign up for a date to help weed gardens at the bus circle entrance. Each season we will add flowers or bulbs to beautify this area.
Gingerbread University: Responsible for collecting funds and organizing volunteers for a gingerbread house making event that is held in the school cafeteria on a Friday in December.
K-5 Dance: For grades K-5th. Volunteers needed for decorating, set up of the cafeteria, refreshment collections, distribution at the dance, and clean up.
Membership Committee: Responsible for distributing and collecting PTA membership forms and payments, putting together the membership directory and distributing the PTA membership cards.
Mixed Bags: Fundraiser chair will work with the company to collect product information and create a flier to be distributed to all grade levels.
Outdoor Movie Night: The PTA sponsors a family movie in the bus circle. Volunteers are needed to help the vendor set up, distribute popcorn, etc.
Picture Day: Typically runs two days in the fall and one day in the spring. The chair coordinates with the photography company and school personnel for teacher schedules and also manages the necessary paperwork. Volunteers are needed for helping to organize and assist students.
Plant Sale: The chairperson creates an order form for plant preorders, collects orders and supervises a team of volunteers at the children’s plant sale on the Friday before Mother’s Day.
Reflections: An art program that encourages students to create artwork in the categories of dance, film, literature, music, photography or visual arts related to a specific theme. The chairperson would be in charge of promoting participation, making and distributing flyers, helping students with entry into the program.
Setauket's Got Talent: The Committee Chair creates a master list of the talent and organizes rehearsal schedules. Volunteers are needed to help with ticket sales, and helping the children get ready as well as chaperoning the night of the show.
Science Fair: The PTA sponsors a Science Fair at Setauket Elementary for grades K through 5. The chair of the event sends an email out to the Science Fair committee to get volunteers to create a flier, posters and a master list of Science fair projects. The chair will also coordinate volunteers at the event to set up and break down the event, control the crowd during the Science Show put on by Stony Brook University Scientists who are parents at our school and "judge" the student projects.
Sixth Grade Committee: Plan, organize and assign chairs for each: Homecoming in September, Monster Bash in October, Electric Parade in December, Winter Social in February, Yearbook (all year long), fundraisers for 6th grade (early in the year), 6th Grade Picnic, Moving Up ceremony in June, luncheon, bagel breakfast for yearbook signing (last week of school), and class gift.
Spring Fling: Our end of year party that is held at the school. DJ, games, face painting, food. Volunteers will set up, help with face painting, activities and handing out water bottles.
Square One Art: Chair works with Setauket art teacher and company to have the kids create a piece of art to be submitted and turned into household items.
Wingo: Setauket Elementary's spin on BINGO.